

L.A. Art Walk

Every second Thursday of the month, a portion of downtown Los Angeles bares its heart and soul to the public. Many stores stay open after hours, street vendors set up shop in breezeways and turn of the century business buildings open their doors to expose office space turned museum displaying local artists. Events like these make L.A. a bit smaller and the community that much closer. 
Here is the lovely Haley. True story: She actually made this sassy dress she is wearing out of a curtain.
The bulk of the crowd was found in the "Theatre District" near Broadway. Los Angeles has some really beautiful buildings that currently serve as Hispanic evangelical churches, a place to buy cheap luggage and quinceanera gowns or even shutdown altogether. The city of angels has high hopes for restoring these historic theatres and business buildings but until then, they remain a place to buy designer imposter perfume.
Venders congregated in antique office buildings and hotels, selling handmade art and goods.

To end the night with a cherry on top, we decided to grub out at the House of Pies. The night only got better when an older "gentleman" was seated at the table next to us. His attire could only be described as bedazzled-gothic-cowboy-pimp. I tried to get a good picture without his seeing me. I wish you could see his aviator/pedophile glasses.
Eric & Haley and our little friend in the background.
If only I had the juevos to talk to this guy. I need to know more about this man.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

And that is what we call a rich evening. And yes, I'm talking about the bedazzled cowboy.